1:00 am -
2:10 am
Registration and Welcome Lunch
2:10 am -
2:30 am
Introductory Address
Andrea Prencipe (Rector, Luiss University); Liu Wei (President, Renmin University of China)
2:30 am -
3:00 pm
Keynote address and debate with participant Institutions
Lorenzo Fioramonti (Italian Minister of Education, University and Research).
Chair: Paola Severino (Vice President of Luiss University)
3:30 am -
4:30 pm
Outline of the SSUN and next steps
Q&A session and group discussion
Moderators: Raffaele Marchetti (Deputy Rector for Internationalization, Luiss University) and Shi Yan’an (Director of the International Office, Renmin University of China).
4:30 pm -
5:00 pm
Keynote Address
Stefania Giannini (Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO)
5:00 pm -
6:30 am
Panel on the Global Priorities for the Social Sciences:
Work session: restricted to SSUN member institutions and their representatives
Hans Reitz (Head of the Global Social Business Summit and managing director of The Grameen Creative Lab): “Global Challenges and the Priorities for the Social Sciences”
Q&A session and group discussion on key issues for participant institutions
Moderators: Raffaele Marchetti, Hans Reitz, Shi Yan’an
6:30 pm -
8:00 pm
Personal time
8:00 pm -
10:00 pm
Piazza Farnese, 50-50/a, 00186 Roma
Conference Gala Dinner
Restaurant Camponeschi
9:30 am -
10:30 am
Panel on Cooperation Opportunities in Research and Teaching
Work session: restricted to SSUN member institutions and their representatives
Angela Liberatore (Head of Unit, European Research Council Executive Agency): “Fostering frontier research in social sciences and humanities: the ERC experience and its broader EU and international context”.
Q&A session and group discussion on cooperation opportunities between participant institutions
Moderators: Raffaele Marchetti, Donna Scarboro (Associate Provost, the George Washington University)
11:00 am -
12:15 am
Panel on Public Outreach
Jack Grove (Times Higher Education)
Q&A session and group discussion on advocacy, lobbying, outward projection and multi-stakeholder engagement initiatives from SSUN members
Moderator: Silvia Elena Giorguli Saucedo (President, Colegio de México), Jack Grove, Shi Yan’an
12:15 am -
1:00 pm
Closing remarks
Closing remarks by Andrea Prencipe (Rector of Luiss University) and Du Peng (Vice-President, Renmin University of China).
Inauguration of the SSUN, reading and approval of the Manifesto, signature of the SSUN scroll, group photo